Gloucester District
哈利波特拍摄场地Gloucester Cathedral
电影哈利波特曾在教堂内部取景 大家又估唔估到系边一辑呢?

格洛斯特座堂(英语:Gloucester Cathedral)是英国的一座教堂,位于英格兰格洛斯特的市区北部,邻近塞文河。格洛斯特座堂的前身是一座献给圣彼得的修道院,始建于678年或679年(后由亨利八世解散)。现在的教堂建筑则是修建于1089年至1499年期间,是罗曼式建筑。

Regular Opening Times

Monday - Friday: 10.00am to 5.00pm

Saturday: 10.00am-5.00pm (please note that from 4.00pm the East End of the Cathedral, which includes the Quire, Lady Chapel, Tribune Gallery and King Edward II's tomb, will be closed for general visiting due to Evensong taking place at 4.30pm. However, all are warmly welcome to join us for this service.)

Sunday: 12noon-5.00pm (please note that between 2.30pm-4.00pm the East End of the Cathedral, which includes the Quire, Lady Chapel, Tribune Gallery and King Edward II's tomb, will be closed for general visiting due to Evensong taking place at 3.00pm. However, all are warmly welcome to join us for this service.)