Kirkgate Market
英国里兹游 Leeds Kirkgate Market 欧洲最大室内市场之一
🇬🇧❤️Leeds Kirkgate Market

Kirkgate Market 又名Leeds City market, 是欧洲最大的室内市场之一,我们星期四来到,平日都已经超多摊档有开,而且系超级大,除咗有室外嘅摊档之外,室内嘅市场更加系林林总总嘅货品都有卖,除咗系日常必需品之外,佢仲有一啲特别嘅舖头,例如系教煮嘢食嘅,买𠮶啲地毡,仲有个food court喺入边,有一档买海鲜嘅仲可以俾你即买即开生蚝,当然唔少得唔同嘅买食材嘅舖头,如果你哋来Leeds玩一定要去睇睇!

Leeds City Market also called Kirkgate Market.It is one of the largest indoor markets in Europe when it opened in 1857.It was designed by the celebrated architect Joseph Paxton who was responsible for the iconic Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, London.

You can buy almost everything there: from fresh food, drink, hardware, flowers, jewellery…etc.You can enjoy the unique shopping experience there.Also, food court are inside, there are some food stall and seatings!

You can also see that there is a seafood shop you can buy oyster and eat there!It would be a great experience!

⏰ Opening Time
Mon to Sat: 8am - 5:30pm

Kirkgate Market
📍Vicar Lane, Leeds City Centre LS2 7HY