金诺万 大 酒店
I previously stayed at the Grand Hotel Ginowan for two nights, feel very satisfied and enjoy😎 The location of this hotel is very good, very close to Naha and Communication, also convenient to go north or south attractions, The hotel room is very clean and comfortable,有大 windows可以看海景或 city view✨ 房间有台可以看海景👍🏻, 整体舒适干净, 美美的 sunrise 🌅 酒店餐厅有球法式料理, breakfast has buffet bar,lunch and dinner have packages or 😋 I think the food is new and delicious, the portion is sufficient.

酒店有 some facilities and services, such as gym, hot spring, massage, rental, etc.⋯, but I didn’t use😝 hot spring ♨️ there is use, feel very comfortable relax, this hotel is a very recommended accommodation, business is leisure,意的服和氛。

📍 3Chome-5-1 大山, 吉诺万, 冲绳901-2223 Japan