夏威夷向风海岸— 美丽的卡鲁瓦🌺
第二次来Kailua ( 卡鲁瓦 )小镇,它在瓦胡岛东面的向风海岸,它的美丽我是无法用语言来描述。我喜欢小镇的那种感觉,和一种说不出的味道,从我们住的威基基出发,车程大约30分钟左右。天高云淡, 湛蓝的天空,漂浮的白云,变换颜色的山峰,小镇上古老的、硕大的榕树和说不上名字的树木,在主街道上,自然地形成了巨大的树荫,遮住了炎热的太阳光。我总在想是否在这里度过我的余生?每天骑着单车,迎着火红的朝霞,在街边露天的Starbucks( 星巴克 ), 喝一杯我最爱的caramel macchiato、看着帅气的公鸡气昂昂地漫步在街头、望着远处的山在阳光下不断地改变颜色,并且温柔地想念着远在故乡的亲人,然后越入大海,在有徐徐信风吹来的瓦胡岛最美丽的大海里游泳,当然是和他在一起,直到永远!还是背起行囊,浪迹天涯海北; 或者回到故乡。水木年华的歌就会在耳边响起:“ 我多想回到家乡,再回到……身旁。” 这三种情绪像海岛的信风一样吹过来,我随着风左右摇曳,快乐地痛着。
Kailua town is located on the windward coast east of Oahu. I can not describe how beautiful it is in words. I like the feeling of this town and a taste I cannot tell. It took about 30 minutes driving from Waikīkī where we live. The clear blue sky, the floating white clouds and the changing colors of the mountains in the distance. The old ,giant banyan trees and the other trees which I couldn’t name, crossed each other and formed a huge shade on the Main Street, which blocked out the hot sun. I always wonder if I would spend the rest of my life here? Riding a bicycle in the early sunrise, drinking a cup of my favorite caramel macchiato in the open - air Starbucks, watching the roosters walking in the street proudly, and missing the love ones in my hometown. And then drop in the most gorgeous ocean in Oahu, where the trade winds blow, with him, of course. And forever! Or packing my bag and traveling the world? Or going back to my hometown? Shui Mu Nianhua’s song rang in my ears: “ I really want to go home, and go back to them.”These three emotions blow like a trade wind, in which I sway and ache joyfully!