
喜欢自由行及略懂英文的的朋友本人强烈推荐Super Ultimate Private Tour 包船一天9小时,每人4500比索(¥588,两到三人的价格) 加1500(¥195) 透明小划船,包午餐,请带好潜浮器(Snorkels),活动之后给一些小费。

Journal 日誌

Today, I surrendered to the wild embrace of Coron Islands, a gem nestled in the heart of the Philippines. Just over a decade ago, Typhoon Yolanda ravaged these islands, stripping them bare to the bone. Nature's fury left no leaf unturned, no sanctuary untouched. But what I witnessed was a testament to resilience and rebirth.

Eleven years have woven a tale of transformation, from desolation to a paradise reborn. The people of the Philippines, with hearts as warm as the tropical sun, have nurtured these islands back to life. The beaches, once wounded, now boast pristine sands and crystal-clear waters, cradling an abundance of marine life beneath their tranquil surface.

As we journeyed through the islands, each moment felt like a celebration of nature's enduring spirit. The well-organized tours, the laughter of fellow explorers from across the globe, and the impeccable preservation efforts were a chorus singing praises to the indomitable will of this land.

Bravo, Philippines! The Coron Islands stand proud, a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of human spirit intertwined with nature's grace. 🌊
#菲律宾旅行 #东南亚海岛攻略 #大自然的奇观