Why do Portuguese people like yellow so much?




Yellow is ubiquitous in Portugal, whether it is in majestic buildings or in the streets of the common people. Yellow is used boldly and carefully, harmoniously and naturally. The first thing that comes to mind is that this should be related to their natural environment and national character. I checked the information and found that there are many reasons why the Portuguese like yellow.

First of all, yellow has an important place in Portugal’s history and culture. During the Restoration Movement, yellow represented the five cities that were recovered, which was an important symbol of yellow in Portugal‘s history. In addition, yellow is also a tribute to the brave Portuguese people, and this tradition has continued to this day.

Secondly, yellow is also closely related to Portugal’s Age of Discovery. During the Age of Discovery, Portuguese navigators actively explored the New World, and yellow was the representative color of the celestial globes used at the time. Therefore, yellow also symbolizes Portugal‘s maritime spirit and spirit of exploration.Why do the Portuguese like yellow
Why do Portuguese people like yellow so much?

Yellow is ubiquitous in Portugal, whether it is in majestic buildings or in the streets of the common people. Yellow is used boldly and carefully, harmoniously and naturally. The first thing that comes to mind.