因为工作人员的专业和热情,因为房间的宽敞干净整洁,我们果断地选择了续住,并决定以这家酒店为中心,游玩潍坊,青州等景点,在旅行的最后几天不再挪窝。 酒店早餐丰盛,住了三天吃了三天那的牛肉面,特别好吃,就清汤面,啥别的调料不放都特别好吃。最后一天一早要去胶州机场坐飞机回去,餐厅的工作人员担心太早小孩吃不下东西,热情地提出拿餐盒要给小孩打包在路上吃,怕我们急着赶飞机吃不好让后厨端东西快点。没有看到她的名字牌,太太走时匆忙拍了张侧面照片,再次特别感谢这位工作人员!热情的她是这家酒店工作人员的一个缩影,从我们入住主动帮忙拿行李的胖胖小哥,到专业的前台,再到细心的客房服务,一切都无可挑剔。来诸城,入住这家酒店真的是宾至如归,觉得特别舒服并充满了感动感谢。 这次山东8日行,让我们感到惊喜的是莱阳和诸城,好客山东在这两地的酒店不仅仅是一句口号,而是真真切切让人能体会得到。 如在其他社交平台为诸城莱阳打call一样,在这里我愿意向大家推荐山东诸城。这里是中国北方恐龙之乡,以发掘出来的中国最大肉食恐龙——诸城暴龙的故乡,这里也发现了第一种中华角龙,结束了东亚无角龙的历史,巨大山东龙,巨大诸城龙,巨大华夏龙不断刷新最高大型鸭嘴龙化石的吉尼斯世界纪录。诸城恐龙化石群是目前世界上已发现的规模最大、化石储量最丰富的恐龙化石群。家里有小孩喜欢恐龙和古脊椎动物的,诸城是必去一站。而这家临近恐龙博物馆和白垩纪恐龙公园的酒店,无疑是下榻的最佳之地。 若你是苏轼苏学爱好者,去诸城吧,去超然台感受明月几时有,把酒问青天的豪情,去常山风景区体验老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍的激烈,去全国最大的苏东坡纪念馆领略十年生死两茫茫,不思量自难忘的凄凉。 若你是中国现代文学爱好者,去诸城吧,诸城暴龙馆对面的臧克家故居一定会让你喜欢,而常山蔡家沟美术村则会给你意外的惊喜。 若你是文博爱好者,约着去诸城市博物馆吧。虽然暂时没有馆章,但馆藏北朝第一微笑,龙兴寺唐刻石碑,铜獬豸,铜可动鹰嘴提梁壶,苏轼用过的文房四宝,红袄军印信等文物绝对不会让你失望。铜獬豸,铜鹰嘴提梁壶真品在诸城市博物馆,潍坊市博物馆展出的为复制品,特此说明!! 若你只想休闲度假,去诸城吧,维河公园,古城公园,张择端文化公园,万兴植物园都很适合闲逛发呆。 这家酒店离上述地方都不远,自驾行租车行选这家酒店入住出行都很方便。 This is a highly recommended hotel after a long distance trip. You won't be disappointed by its extraordinary professional and warm-hearted services. For businessman, this city is listed as one of the 100 powerful towns across China Mainland. It's robot and automatic industry is one of the top line in Northern China. MH Robot & Automation Co., Ltd is a good example. The textile industry here is also famous and structures a competition to Zhejiang area. For dinosaurs lovers, Zhucheng is a must go city. This is a hometown of dinosaurs in Northern China, where the largest carnivorous dinosaur in China, the Zhucheng Tyrannosaurus Rex, was discovered. The first type of Chinese ceratopsaurus has also been discovered here, ending the history that East Asian has no horned dinosaur. The giant Shandong Duckbill dinosaur, the giant Zhucheng Duckbill dinosaur, and the giant Huaxia Duckbill dinosaur have continuously set the Guinness World Record for the tallest fossil of the duck billed dinosaurs. The Zhucheng dinosaur fossil group is currently the largest and most abundant dinosaur fossil group discovered in the world. If you have children who like dinosaurs and ancient vertebrates, they must go to Zhucheng. This hotel near the dinosaur museum and Cretaceous dinosaur park is undoubtedly the best place to stay. Once again, welcome to Zhucheng and welcome to Zhucheng Huaxi Hotel!! #捕捉城市人文