
1. 文化与历史

明城墙: 南京明代留下的古城墙,是中国现存最长、保存最完整的古城墙之一。

中山陵: 孙中山先生的陵墓,庄严肃穆,周围环境优美,也是一处登高远眺的好地方。

夫子庙: 南京古代文化的代表之一,有着悠久的历史和独特的建筑风格,也是购物和品尝地道小吃的好地方。

2. 自然与休闲

紫金山: 南京的地标性山脉,山上有明孝陵灵谷寺等景点,是爬山、观景和休闲的好去处。

玄武湖: 位于市中心的人工湖,湖光山色宜人,可漫步湖畔或乘船游湖,感受宁静的氛围。

中山植物园: 拥有丰富的植物资源,是赏花、休闲散步的好地方。

3. 美食与小吃

秦淮河美食街: 聚集了各种南京特色小吃,如夫子庙糕团、鸭血粉丝汤等,是品尝地道南京美食的绝佳选择。

老门东小吃街: 保存了大量传统的南京小吃店,品尝炸灌汤包、鸭血粉丝汤等当地美食。
南京大排档: 南京的传统饮食场所,可以品尝到各种地道的江苏菜和小吃。

4. 艺术与娱乐

江南贡院: 有着悠久历史的文化景点,举办各种文化展览和表演活动。

1912街区: 是南京的时尚娱乐区,有各种酒吧、餐厅和咖啡馆,适合夜生活和休闲娱乐。

南京博物院: 拥有丰富的文物藏品,是了解南京历史和文化的重要场所。
Nanjing Travel Guide

1. Culture and History

Ming City Wall: One of the longest and best-preserved ancient city walls in China, dating back to the Ming Dynasty.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum: The tomb of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, surrounded by serene landscapes, offering a panoramic view of the city.

Confucius Temple: A representation of ancient Nanjing culture, with a long history and unique architectural style, also a great place for shopping and tasting local snacks.

2. Nature and Leisure

Purple Mountain: A landmark mountain range in Nanjing, featuring attractions like Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum and Linggu Temple, perfect for hiking, sightseeing, and leisure.

Xuanwu Lake: An artificial lake in the city center, offering pleasant scenery for strolling or boating, providing a tranquil atmosphere.

Nanjing Botanical Garden: Rich in botanical resources, ideal for flower appreciation and leisurely walks.

3. Cuisine and Street Food

Qinhuai River Food Street: Home to various Nanjing specialty snacks such as Confucius Temple dumplings and duck blood vermicelli soup, a must-visit for authentic Nanjing cuisine.

Laomendong Snack Street: Preserves many traditional Nanjing snack shops, offering delicacies like fried soup dumplings and duck blood vermicelli soup.

Nanjing Da Pai Dang: Traditional dining spots in Nanjing, serving a variety of authentic Jiangsu cuisine and snacks.

4. Arts and Entertainment

Jiangnan Examination Hall: A cultural landmark with a long history, hosting various cultural exhibitions and performances.

1912 Bar Street: A trendy entertainment district in Nanjing, featuring a variety of bars, restaurants, and cafes, perfect for nightlife and leisure.

Nanjing Museum: Home to a rich collection of cultural relics, offering insights into the history and culture of Nanjing.

Hope this guide helps you have a wonderful journey in Nanjing!