GUiZhou Travel Guide
Here is a 4-day, 3-night travel itinerary for Guizhou, including visits to the Qianhu Miao Village, Xiaoqikong, Huangguoshu Waterfall, and Guiyang, along with local food recommendations for each location:

### Day 1: Arrival in Guiyang, City Tour
- **Morning**: Arrive in Guiyang and check into your hotel.
- **Lunch**: Try the local specialty, **Jiangjia Changwang Noodles**, a traditional Guiyang snack with chewy noodles and a savory soup.
- **Afternoon**: Visit **Qianling Mountain Park** for natural scenery.
- **Evening**: Explore **Jiaxiu Tower** for the night life in Guiyang, and taste more local delicacies, such as **Spicy Chicken**, **Tofu Balls**, and **Silk Dolls**.

### Day 2: Guiyang - Xiaoqikong - Qianhu Miao Village
- **Morning**: Head to **Libo Xiaoqikong Scenic Area** to enjoy the clear waters, ancient bridges, and waterfalls.
- **Lunch**: Enjoy local cuisine in Libo.
- **Afternoon**: Travel to **Qianhu Miao Village** to experience Miao culture.
- **Evening**: Savor **Sour Soup Fish**, a Miao specialty, in the village.

### Day 3: Qianhu Miao Village - Huangguoshu Waterfall
- **Morning**: Free time in the village, visit Miao architecture and handicrafts.
- **Lunch**: Depart from the village and have a meal en route.
- **Afternoon**: Arrive at the **Huangguoshu Waterfall** and explore the magnificent waterfalls.
- **Evening**: Try the local cuisine of Anshun, such as **Spicy Chicken**.

### Day 4: Huangguoshu Waterfall - Guiyang
- **Morning**: Continue to explore the Huangguoshu Waterfall, including the **Doupotang Waterfall** and **Tianxingqiao Scenic Area**.
- **Lunch**: Have a meal near the scenic area.
- **Afternoon**: Return to Guiyang, and consider visiting **Qingyan Ancient Town** on the way.
- **Evening**: Enjoy your last night in Guiyang, tasting more delicacies, such as **Red Bean Cake** and **Gao Ba Xifan**.

### Food Recommendations:
- **Guiyang**: Changwang noodles, spicy chicken, tofu balls, silk dolls, red bean cake, gao ba xifan.
- **Qianhu Miao Village**: Sour soup fish.
- **Anshun**: Spicy chicken.
- **Libo Xiaoqikong**: Local specialties, choose based on local recommendations.

### Notes:
- Guizhou has many mountains, so wear comfortable shoes.
- Huangguoshu Waterfall is a large scenic area, consider buying a sightseeing bus ticket to save energy and time.
- Qianhu Miao Village and Huangguoshu Waterfall may be crowded, plan your route and time in advance.
- Guizhou's weather is changeable, check the weather forecast before traveling and prepare appropriate clothing.

This itinerary is based on the travel plans and food recommendations found in the search results, and I hope it helps with your trip. Have a pleasant journey!