The world of Xianxia in Wangxian Valley! ~

🕘 [Opening hours]: You can enter the valley at 8 o'clock in the morning, and the ticket inspection staff will leave work at 9 o'clock in the evening!

💴 [Ticket price]: Adult ticket price: 120 yuan
Children 1.2 meters ~ 1.5 meters discount ticket under 1.2 meters free of charge
Senior ticket 65 years old ~ 69 years old discount ticket 70 years old free admission

⛺ 【Activities】: It is recommended to enter the valley around 5 p.m. 1 to see the landscape and waterfall buildings during the day, as well as the beautiful night view and bonfire party!

🚌 [Transportation Strategy]: High-speed rail and self-driving are recommended. The Ganyuexing applet can query the frequency of the high-speed rail to the scenic bus, and the ticket price is 30 yuan. (There are not many shifts, longer hours) it is recommended to contact the owner of the B&B to pick up the station, which is also more convenient and fast! ($5 expensive)

👉 [Itinerary]: Book a homestay in advance, to be close to the scenic spot, it is recommended to be in Wangxian Village (Wangxian Valley is named after this)

🧡 【Preparation before departure】: Foreign friends should contact in advance with their passports! Yuyue Mountain B&B (Wangxian Valley Scenic Area) 余阅山居民宿(望仙谷景区店)