Pizza Maru(希慎广场店)
线友 x 披萨丸
LINE FRIENDS Pizza Maru 行售,推出「LINEFRIENDS Pizza Maru J YELLOW SALLY 特餐。餐可爆Sally😍色主各Pizza Maru Branch,有Sally合照位。粉真的過!

🔸 mango cheese thin world $ 248
这比萨饼的料理是丰富的,有 cheese , pineapple , pork , mango , etc .。

🔸金 barbecue cheese spaghetti
意大利面的口感是滑滑的, 每个都带有奶酪汁, 奶酪 salty aroma soluble 每个意大利面, 邪气十足. beef is also roasted well, meat , while also adding fresh flowers, green peppers, artichokes and other vegetables, healthy and delicious.

🔸香芒 bombing party $158
相形金亮, very eye-catching. Each piece is fried to golden crisp, meat tender and juicy, taste good juicy. big bite down meat, one one really full. 香 mango juice with good fresh , Estimated to not yet wo, definitely worth a visit.

意大利熟度 good, 食口感chewing, Each grain of rice is stained with panflower cream juice, very annoying. good big, refreshing tender tooth, same good.

✨惠Any more dishes, and addtime limited new products✨

+$20 帆布袋
+$60 水


Tsim Sha Tsui Road3-27Harbour City Hai大3LCX 34

#LINEFREINDSmeetsPizzaMaru #YELLOWSALLY pic maru hk