Historical outline on the Medicean Fortress of Siena
In 1561 Cosimo I de’ Medici, the Duke of Florence, conquered of Siena. Immediately afterwards, he commissioned the architect Baldassarre Lanci to build a Fortress on the site of the citadel erected by Emperor Charles V in 1550 to be used during the siege, The first garrison was quartered here in 1562, but the building was finished only a few years later by Marino Lanci, son of Baldassarre, and Simone Genga. With the end of the Medicean dynasty, the Fortress was opened to the public to promenade. In 1778, the Grand Duke Peter Leopold of Lorraine converted the avenues on top of the bastions for the public walk to walk along, although the Fortress still housed a military garrison. In 1787 the entrance gate was built by melting the metal of the guns and cannons used during the siege of the city. The three-arched bridge that is still used today as an entrance was designed in 1823 to replace the previous wooden drawbridge. The transformation of the Fortress into a public park was confirmed in 1872, when the Military Corps of Engineers granted the building to the Municipality to arrange the ramparts as avenues with flowers beds. The final demilitarization of the Fortress took place around 1930,when the Santa Barbara barracks were finally moved away . In 1936 the space was re-organized and designed by Virgilio Marchi, by demolishing the interior building and creating the large aquare surrounded by fountains, stairways and the amphitheatre.
1561年,佛罗伦萨公爵科西莫·美第奇一世征服了锡耶纳。紧接着,他委托建筑师巴尔达萨雷·兰奇在1550年查理五世皇帝建造的城堡遗址上设计建造了一座要塞,在围攻期间使用,第一个驻军于1562年驻扎在这里。几年后,这座建筑由巴尔达萨雷的儿子马里诺·兰奇和西蒙娜·根加只用了很少几年时间就完成了。随着美第奇王朝的结束,要塞向公众开放为公众休闲长廊。1778年,洛林大公彼得·利奥波德(Peter Leopold)将堡垒之上的大道改建为公众步行通道,尽管要塞仍然有军事驻军。1787年,人民将城中围困锡耶纳城期间使用的枪支和大炮熔化了的金属建成了大门。大门入口是一座三拱桥,至今仍用作城堡入口,该桥设计于1823年,以取代以前的木制吊桥。1872 年,军事工程兵团将这座堡垒改造成市民公园,并将这座建筑赠予市政厅,还将城墙作为带花坛的通道进行布置。堡垒的最后彻底去军事化发生在1930年左右,那时圣巴巴拉兵营被搬走。1936 年,Virgilio Marchi 重新组织并设计了整个城堡,拆除了内部建筑,并四周建造了喷泉、楼梯和圆形剧场。