四海:西街上, 40/双人间, 公用浴室、厕所, 很干净。 120/标间, 空调, 24小时热水。
西郎山: 240/标间。 20/人双人间, 公共卫浴, 无热水。电话:0773-8822312。
青年公寓: 0773-8822347, 两人间15/人, 独立卫浴20/25/人,空调间40-50/人, 标准间100以上/间。
河边小屋:遇龙河边, 环境一流,享受乡村悠闲的最好选择, 双人间80-100/间, 三人间,带独立卫浴80/间。
Golden Leaves, on the highway across from the bus station. All room are heated and have bathrooms, staff are friendly and facilities are reasonable 0773-8822860
Jinlong, Die Cui Lu. The best of the mid range options with very obliging and informed staff. 0773-8822674
Zhu Yang, east on the highway, below Green Lotus Peak.An upmarket place by local standards, with 24hr hot water and jacuzzis in the more expensive rooms.0773-8821601