2016-06-20 发布点评
This place offers a treat for vegetarians. Since we do not have many options to eat out, Nando's had a full meal which was very filling and satisfying. Eating out there was so gratifying after surviving on breads for almost 4 days.
2016-05-28 发布点评
I tried the veggie pita with extra cheese and caramelized onions. It was delicious and filling yet light on calories. The service was prompt and courteous. The place seems busy all the time.
2016-04-17 发布点评
Friends and I have been here quite a few times and no issues, food is always good. However this time was a different experience. We sat down and chose from the breakfast menu as the sign was still up for breakfast. My friend and I both wanted smashed avo with poached eggs. We were told there were no poached eggs available.. What? How do you have no poached eggs? It is simply eggs and water.. But we could have scrambled eggs.. We didn't understand how we could have scrambled but not poached. We settled for scrambled eggs and the waitress took our order. Someone then took down the sign that breakfast was available. 5min later the waitress came back and said that breakfast was no longer available. So we left. It's just not good enough. We ordered before the sign came down so that should have been honored and to not have any eggs available is ridiculous. I hope they take something from this review.