2022-01-14 发布点评
Staten Island必打卡的异域风情Top1餐厅,这家餐厅诞生于1995年,被餐厅中的装潢所吸引种草,在打卡list中躺了很久,终于趁着周末前来Staten Island一并打卡,他们家菜品使用的大多数香料据说都是斯里兰卡本土的香料调味,因而口感上也更是辣的更纯粹,但是他们家的装修真的一绝,宛若穿越到了一个异域风情的桃花源,如果来Staten Island游玩,非常建议顺路打卡一波 ✨All you Can eat Buffet✨ 他们家周末都是供应Buffet,周六至周天12:30-21:30,如果想要点餐,需要在周内时间前来,感觉很少能赶在周内前来Staten Island游玩打卡,于是只好先试试他们家的自助系列,优点便是可以尝试到斯里兰卡菜肴中的各式风味,如果喜欢吃得惯东南亚风味的小伙伴,可以放心前来打卡,他们家的菜品普遍偏辣口,而且香料味较重。
2022-12-08 发布笔记
Staten Island的这家斯里兰卡风味餐厅太酷了 这家1995年建成的餐厅,店内装潢很异域风 使用的香料也是来自斯里兰卡的本土香料调味 每道餐品的口感风味十足,香料感也更为纯粹 店内真的太好拍了,宛若穿越进异域的桃花源 菜单设计也是亮点,细长型的木雕设计太酷了 官网上可以每个菜品的配图,店家也是很贴心 他们家周内可以点餐,周末全天都是自助形式 ❣️Lakruwana 📍668 Bay St, Staten Island, NY 10304 🕙周一至周天12:00-21:00 💰周末自助$15.95/人 ✨All you Can eat Buffet✨ 周末自助,可以尝到斯里兰卡的各式风味餐品 他们家的菜品普遍偏辣口,而且香料风味较重 比较适合可以吃得惯东南亚香料调味的小伙伴 自助从前菜,到主食和甜品,选择还是很多的 Papadam 薄薄的饼可以搭配着小菜一起吃,别有一番风味 Sago Pudding 甜品要冲这道,奶香口味十足的米布丁,好吃不腻 Devilled chicken 酱香口味带微甜,大口吃肉的感觉很酣畅,好评
2016-06-18 发布点评
Went to Lakrawana with a couple of friends - one of whom had never eaten Sri Lankan or Indian food. Firstly, the decor is absolutely gorgeous - the menus themselves are crafted from a hand-carved piece of wood. We had the Appetizer special, which consisted of 4 fried appetizers - it was good. The entrees, however, were absolutely delicious. We shared a plate of the house special Lamprais - it consisted of rice, cashew curry, eggplant, plantains, a fish fritter and fried hardboiled egg - everything was delicious. I had the chicken roti (spicy) and it was one of the best curries I have ever had. One of my friends ordered the Devilled Seafood platter; I couldn't try it because I'm allergic to shellfish, but judging by the smell alone, I am ordering a meat version next time. Finally for dessert, we tried all three Sri Lankan specialties; while all were good, the Watalappan, which consisted of fresh yogurt covered in Palm oil, was everyone's favorite and an absolutely incredible dish. I absolutely love Lakruwana and can't wait to return and try a number of different dishes!
2016-04-27 发布点评
This place is like a secret- the decor is out of this world you wouldn't believe it until you see it! The food is also awesome! Go there! ON sundays they have a buffet. You're welcome.
2016-03-14 发布点评
Staten Island is the midway point for my friend and me to meet for lunch. Neither of us are familiar with the area, so we rely on Yelp reviews for restaurants. We couldn't wait to come to Lakruwana. The experience was even better than anticipated. Neither of us have ever had Sri Lankan food, so the buffet gave us the perfect opportunity to try a variety - including dessert. The buffet was clean and well attended to. And absolutely delicious! So flavorful and satisfying - and plenty to choose from for vegetarians. Regarding dessert, several puddings were offered. They were enjoyable as well - and not sweet. Wonderful texture! The restaurant is beautiful, and the staff is pleasant and helpful. I wish I lived closer to Staten Island - I'd surely be a frequent patron.
2022-01-13 发布笔记
#当地才能吃到的美食 ❣️Lakruwana 📍668 Bay St, Staten Island, NY 10304 🕙周一至周天12:00-21:00 Staten Island必打卡的异域风情Top1餐厅,这家餐厅诞生于1995年,被餐厅中的装潢所吸引种草,在打卡list中躺了很久,终于趁着周末前来Staten Island一并打卡,他们家菜品使用的大多数香料据说都是斯里兰卡本土的香料调味,因而口感上也更是辣的更纯粹,但是他们家的装修真的一绝,宛若穿越到了一个异域风情的桃花源,如果来Staten Island游玩,非常建议顺路打卡一波 ✨All you Can eat Buffet✨ 他们家周末都是供应Buffet,周六至周天12:30-21:30,如果想要点餐,需要在周内时间前来,感觉很少能赶在周内前来Staten Island游玩打卡,于是只好先试试他们家的自助系列,优点便是可以尝试到斯里兰卡菜肴中的各式风味,如果喜欢吃得惯东南亚风味的小伙伴,可以放心前来打卡,他们家的菜品普遍偏辣口,而且香料味较重。 他们家的菜单设计也是一大亮点,细长型的木雕设计,上面列着各项菜品,超级适合拍拍拍,宛若穿越到了斯里兰卡旅游,瞬间解锁照骗系列。如果周内前来点餐,可以在官网上先看下他们家主页的菜单,每个系列的菜品店家都有贴心的贴图,从汤品到主食再到甜品,每个系列都有图片示例 特别推荐他们家的特色主食Papadam,薄薄的饼搭配着小菜一起吃,别有一番风味。甜品中的Sago Pudding西米布丁,也是很喜欢的一道,西米搭配牛奶,超赞,第一次吃是在Trader Joe随手拿的Rice Pudding,一口就爱上的味道。Devilled chicken也不错,酱香口,就是肉肉制作的会有点大块