2017-06-26 发布点评
I like a good steak, but my husband can do that at home. So when he said he wanted steak for Father's Day in NYC, I wanted to find a place that would make us both happy. This was it! The tapas (the octopus, the Serrano ham, the Spanish anchovies) were amazingly tasty! Perfect for sharing between two people. Then the ribeye steak came. It was fantastic. Good chat, and seasoned in a way we wouldn't have done ourselves. The waitstaff was excellent and personal and the decor was casual and comfortable. This place was everything I had hoped for!
2016-06-19 发布点评
2017-04-28 发布点评
The place is in the Lower East Side and it is a bi thard to reach from Midtwon, but worth it. Iordered the empanadas and they were AWESOME, just lik ein Argentina. The churrasco was excellent too, with chimichurri and salsa criolla, and a large side of home frenh fries done as in Argentina. Wine is reasonably priced. Definitely a gem.
2016-04-12 发布点评
This place was buzzing on a Saturday night! And so noisy. The service was affected by the crowding, but the food was all tasty, especially the steaks. Friends enjoyed fish and chicken too. This restaurant is pricey though not at all fancy with tables crowded together. The octopus appetizer was delicious at $17 and the anchovies were a tiny tapas at around $5. Grass-fed Steaks range about $36-46. The staff is courteous, but overworked by the popularity of this place. It's authentic Argentinian with empanadas.
2016-02-22 发布点评
纽约位于东村的阿根廷餐厅,南美料理呈现的是精致而清新的风格。无论是前餐、主菜还是甜点,精巧简约的摆盘是统一的特色。餐厅的主要料理风格是擅长用新鲜的植物类调料和水果搭配各类芝士,口感酸甜清爽,无论是招牌烤章鱼脚还是牛排都是口感柔软。 Burrata 黄桃布拉塔 用意大利袋型芝士——布拉塔芝士搭配黄桃和杏仁,带来清新、鲜美的味觉体验。具有特色的布拉塔芝士是由外层mozzarella芝士填充内部鲜奶油做成的,第一口的感觉很像是水煮荷包蛋,黄桃酸甜道衬托布拉塔把口感打造的像轻乳酪芝士蛋糕一般。 Pulpo De Playa 烤章鱼脚 招牌菜,章鱼肉软嫩有弹性,烤制的程度不多不少,保证了酱汁入味的同时也保留了肉质的鲜嫩。 Empanadas 南美肉馅饼 乍看以为是个大型的Pasta。表皮酥脆松软,口感扎实,搭配两种不同口味的蘸酱,全凭个人口味选择。 Chocolate Mousse 巧克力慕斯 慕斯更像是巧克力榛果酱,搭配了冰激凌,缓解巧克力的甜腻。 Entrana 裙牛排 牛排肉质鲜嫩,入味彻底。不得不提的是摆盘的大蒜长得很是可爱。 Flan 蛋布丁 微微有焦糖的味道,Q弹滑嫩,入口即化,甜味略微较重。
2017-06-26 发布点评