2019-06-02 发布点评
This place is expensive but the food is first class and the service excellent, it’s a memorable experience. When I went at 4 30pm on a Sunday afternoon it was completely packed and really buzzing. I sat at the bar which was interesting to watch everything going on. The kitchen, bar and food preparation areas are more or less open, and the service is very much a team effort.
2019-10-04 发布点评
The Walrus and the Carpe... 是一家不错的餐馆。 【口味】不错 【环境】很好 【服务】热情 ......
2020-09-19 发布点评
【口味】这家店的生蚝个头超级大,所以用来炸生蚝最好不过了,里面的面包配来去油腻的。 【环境】环境不算太好,不过很干净。 【服务】服务员态度不错,有说有笑。
2019-06-27 发布点评
The Walrus and the Carpenter算是西雅图最负盛名的生蚝吧了,明亮的空间设计、充满现代风格的大吊灯,舒适的用餐气氛很适合好好的品味生蚝一番,配上带点辛辣口感的山葵酱和柠檬汁或是香槟酒醋、再点上一杯Moscato或香槟,想体验最正点的生蚝吧来这里就对了!顺带一提,这里的餐点偏法式,上面打了一个蛋黄的牛排塔塔或是起司拼盘都很受欢迎,还有备受The New York Times推崇的甜点,最特别的就是枫糖面包布丁和烤海枣。
2018-07-11 发布点评
2016-03-26 发布点评
The Walrus and the Carpenter,生蚝餐厅,不点生蚝就好像是亏了哦,新鲜甜美的生蚝,配上白葡萄酒,很棒
2018-07-08 发布点评