2018-08-19 发布点评
2016-04-29 发布点评
2016-06-02 发布点评
Do you know the typical cheesy Greek whit the fake, plaster statues and columns? Where you just don't feel right? Well Elleniko is nothing like it, is a nice restaurant whit excellent food and sweets. Nice waiters that recall you, and make you feel home, a bummer is that the restaurant in the first floor open at 17:00, so some very good plates are a reserved for the evening. But the "street food" is more then excellent, the gyros is not dry and everything has a very good price quality ratio. If you are in to Greek foot this place is for you.
2016-06-06 发布点评
Service was fast and the setting very nice. We chose the mixed grill for two which was very good and very reasonable. Very nice restaurant
2016-06-12 发布点评
Lots of Greeks amongst the friendly cooks and waiters. Straightforward menu; fast service; generous portions; tasty food; inexpensive (€17 for a huge mixed grill); nice amount of space downstairs, upstairs or outside. You're truly spoilt for choice at the Markthal; we hadn't eaten Greek for some time so were in the mood to try and weren't disappointed. The portions were almost too large - this is somewhere to come if you're really hungry ! Nigggle points: spicing of the mixed grill components rather similar and a bit too salty; beer was Dutch and not Greek (though some may prefer that).
2016-05-15 发布点评
This is a good place to refuel on a visit to the Rotterdam Market Hall. The seating area is on 2 levels and very substantial but the toilets are somewhat restricted. The food is substantial and cheap (the best buys seemed to be the plates- you could get them dominated by meat, by fish or by fish and meat). The wines, however, although Greek in origin were disappointing (the glass of red had a distinct vinegar smell). The baklava was good. Things to work on?
2020-02-15 发布笔记
鹿特丹拱廊市场打卡📍希腊酸奶置置顶🍯 02/03 Rotterdam 🦌 鹿特丹的二晚正餐,都在Markthal拱廊市场打卡。 第一天的选择是希腊菜,一份肉类拼盘,一份希腊色拉,一份焗烤香肠以及一份希腊酸奶配面包,太好吃了,真滴香! 「Tzatziki」🍯 这一路的旅程,要重点置顶一下希腊酸奶和树莓,是我吃的最多的食物,美滋滋。 希腊酸奶真的绝,不稀薄不黏稠,厚度刚好,绵密丰富,比奶油扎实比冰砖软糯,是真正的酸奶。可以顶住坚果果干,搭配的了果酱面包,像个渣男,花式百搭。 Elliniko的酸奶里加入了橄榄油,搭配香软有质感的杂粮面包,不会很酸完全不甜,很奶很绵,简直太绝!干了这碗优秀的蛋白质,麻溜儿的! 「Spetsofai」🐷 店家自制的希腊香肠,香是真滴香,咸也是真的咸。花名冰可乐杀手,吃一盘必追加一瓶冰可乐。 欧洲人的烹饪总体偏咸,甜又很甜,刚毅直男。但也有例外,那些标榜健康的风味餐厅,就会很恬淡。 Exclusief 🐷 按人均收费的拼盘(图一是一人份),想要拍照好看可以点二人份,会有豪华视觉。 主要是各种肉类,猪羊牛排,趁热吃都很好吃。炸鱿鱼圈是希腊菜的代表,新鲜弹牙,十分可口。还有一串炸虾也是巨好吃,蘸一蘸希腊酸奶,又鲜又香,我就给个100分,你骄傲吧,反正我回上海了。 📍 这家希腊餐厅🍴开在拱廊市场的一层,很好找! 是个家庭运营制的餐馆,老板是爸爸,负责跑堂和吧台酒水制作的是他的孩子们。虽然谈不上有多热情,但简单的温馨就很好。 🍯 Elliniko - The All Day Greek