日式荞麦专门店 用的是塔斯马尼亚荞麦 天然散发着浓郁的香气 每天只研磨适量荞麦粉 保证每一碗面条都是新鲜制作 严格按照San-tate (三たて)工艺——研磨/揉切/煮面 他家荞麦面不仅细滑爽口 还有着很好咬断的脆实 ▪️ʜᴏᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴀɴᴇ ʀᴜʙʏ ᴀᴜᴛᴜᴍɴ sᴏʙᴀ 日本获奖的高岭红荞麦 营养价值比普通荞麦高出三倍 含有抗氧化的多酚 吃起来也没啥特别的 会更筋道弹牙一些(限定至11.30) 热荞麦面胜在鲜浓的高汤 搭配日本菇/鸡肉/鱼饼/豆卜/蔬菜 像寿喜烧一般煮得特别入味 附上一只虎虾天妇罗 ▪️ᴛᴏʀᴏʀᴏ sᴇɪʀᴏ 荞麦沾面 搭配的是很少见的山药泥 再加上生鹌鹑蛋和海苔拌开 面条往里面一蘸 吸溜起来粘粘滑滑的 是清爽带甜的味道 也有搭配酱油调柴鱼昆布高汤 加上芥末和葱段 吃完荞麦面之后还会送上荞麦汤(sᴏʙᴀ-ʏᴜ)就是煮荞麦面用的热水 淡淡的 像小时候的米汤 据说原汤化原食 清口也不错 ▪️sᴏʙᴀ ᴄʜᴀ sᴏғᴛ sᴇʀᴠᴇ 荞麦冰淇淋超好吃! 带有荞麦的微微咸味与麦香 又完全不甜腻 吃起来还有独特的粗糙口感 搭配玉米片和麻薯团几(团几超Q的 他家其他日式甜品应该也会好吃) 又是一整天的雨 想起上次这个天气 跟朋友穿着毛衣出去觅食 一碗热腾腾的荞麦面 太治愈了 商量着下次还要去吃 毕竟菜单好大一本!
2020-11-18 发布点评
ʜᴏᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴀɴᴇ ʀᴜʙʏ ᴀᴜᴛᴜᴍɴ sᴏʙᴀ 高领红荞麦面 限定至本月底 面条本身的甜度略高于普通荞麦面 连麦香都带着丝缕甜意 热气腾腾的上桌 空气中都弥漫了浓郁的麦香 与之浮现的红色荞麦花田 浸在温热的汤水中 拎起 时蔬的高汤挂在面条上 愈发的鲜美了 入口是比寻常的荞麦面黏性大些 柔韧劲也更大 拉扯有筋性 咬断的当下还会微微回弹 面条本身特色十足 再搭配秋季限定的日本秋菇与蔬菜 鸡肉和鱼饼增加鲜甜味 整碗显得更活跃了!! 那种一口吃尽秋天的感觉 跃然碗中 套餐还会有虎虾天妇罗 近期天妇罗吃太多了 倒没吃出多大的感情来 该有的外脆里嫩都有 ᴛᴏʀᴏʀᴏ sᴇɪʀᴏ 荞麦沾面 + 山药泥 创意赢了 一鼓作气 把鹌鹑蛋黄倒入 连带着海苔碎条 再撒上青葱小段 沾面的汤酱就完成了 荞麦冷面夹一小筷子 任其在汤汁里打滚翻腾 再捞起来 趁着汤汁还未完全回落 哧溜吸入口中 清凉爽朗 看似拖泥带水的黏腻 却干净利落的一筷下肚 芥末盖掉多余的腥味 甘甜的山药味在滑入的瞬间 味道最具浓厚 尔后是蛋的香甜出现 吃完会呈上荞麦汤 装在漆红色的方木盒子里 倒入碗中 帮胃里收个尾 宣布结束进食 sᴏʙᴀ ᴄʜᴀ sᴏғᴛ sᴇʀᴠᴇ 荞麦冰淇淋 麦香与甜奶油并存 咸甜均衡
2020-11-30 发布点评
2016-07-09 发布点评
My wife and I are regulars at this restaurant, having dined here every other month for many years. The quality of the food and service here has been consistently high from the first time we visited, which is why we keep coming back. The loyalty rewards system they have is a great encouragement too, but that is just the icing on the cake for us. The soba is made on-site and the process is just therapeutic and fun to watch, whether as an adult or a kid. The attention to detail of the thickness of each layer of flour and the thickness of the soba tells you something about this place. Collectively, the staff speak many languages, which is important as Orchard Road is a well-known tourist spot. Our personal favourites are the Yuba Kinoko Healthy Soba and the Nishin Soba, both warm sobas, which are comforting, filling and affordable.
2016-06-12 发布点评
We went for my birthday and Father's Day lunch. We need ordered ala carte. Mostly fishy stuff and hot soba from my daughter. Food was good all round. Can't complain. Was it outstanding well no, but good is good isn't it. Wagyu beef didn't look the part but at least it tasted the part. Service was great with our Filipinos waiters doing their best.
2016-06-19 发布点评
The food and service are great here. Loved the soba noodles, sashimi was fresh. Excellent customer service. Not the cheapest meal in town but very enjoyable
2016-06-05 发布点评