2023-02-05 发布笔记
Got to try the Expressions afternoon tea at The Landing Point in Fullerton Bay Hotel. Reservations are required if you choose to dine here, and the prices differ from weekdays and weekends. We were seated at a nice cosy corner with plush sofas and chairs, with the view of Marina Bay in the background for a nice photo backdrop. The savoury treats and sweets were neatly displayed, such that the food items were not obstructing each other on a fancy tiered stand decorated with fake flowers and plants. They were not only a feast for the eyes as they look pretty and delicate, but also for the stomach as the fusion of western and local flavours was unique yet taste good. Service was great with attentive staff who took initiative to help us take photos and attended to our requests. It would have been even better if the staff had introduced us to each of the items displayed on the stand just like Conrad, so that we did not have to play the game of guessing what goes into our mouths and stomach.
2018-09-06 发布点评
2018-09-11 发布点评
2018-10-28 发布点评
2018-10-27 发布点评
2019-06-19 发布笔记
到这里来一段惬意的时光 阳光透过玻璃照射进来,刚好射在我的发梢。这个季节,不冷不热,有点阳光,也是锦上添花,很惬意。我和闺蜜来到了The Landing Point,这个餐厅就在新加坡。说起新加坡,大家肯定都是很熟悉的。🎵我第一次听说新加坡的时候,我就喜欢上这个地方了,这里的环境很好。 此刻的我和闺蜜正躺在餐馆的沙发上面,静静的享受着这美好的时光。我们还是很会选位置的哦,刚好选了一个靠近窗边的位置,坐在这里,可以享受阳光的沐浴,可以看到外面不同的风景。🌺虽说这里是餐厅,可我更感觉就像是酒店,里面很大,很干净。坐在这里,我们点了一些甜点,点了咖啡慢慢品尝。 好惬意,在这里面,还专门有人在这里弹奏钢琴,我们伴随着优雅的琴声,吃着饭后甜点,偶尔放空放空,也是很舒服。🍓我感觉在这里吃饭的人都很优雅,她们不会大声说话,大家都静静的吃美食,听琴声,感受琴键在弹奏者的手上上下跳跃。 【地址】在Fullerton Bay Hotel附近 【开放时间】全天开放哦 【门票价格】哈哈,既然是餐厅,就不需要门票的哦