2017-12-16 发布点评
2017-09-18 发布点评
2019-07-07 发布点评
so dissapointed Years ago we used to love this restaurant and its chef and we would recommend it all the time. We hadn''t been for a while because prices went up and portion size went down but decided to give it another go...this time we were shocked. First, the food did not arrive at the same time.(at a roadside/plastic chair restaurant you expect this but not in an upmarket restaurant like this one, a good chef should be able to plan his cooking) The beef Rendang was like rubber and when send back to the kitchen it was send back out again without apology. The chicken was more bones and skin than any meat and the Percik sauce was so watery that it did not stick on the meat. And what is making me sad is that the staff had no idea how to handle the complaint. Lovely people, all of them, but they have not had the training you expect them to get, working for a restaurant with these prices and this lovely decor.
2018-10-06 发布点评
2019-02-13 发布点评
2017-07-05 发布点评
2017-11-29 发布点评
性价比不错! 咖哩椰浆饭好好味!冬阴功虾汤好地道
2017-01-31 发布点评
2018-08-22 发布点评