The Old Station | Wagon Way Road, Alnwick NE66 2BJ, England (原名Station Buffet)
We ate here a number times, for late breakfast, lunch and afternoon coffee. Very relaxed, although it can be very busy at lunchtimes. The food portions are generous and well-priced and well-cooked, with a range of cafe-type foods (eg hot dog, burgers, sandwiches, toasties, cakes etc) using local suppliers. Grab a table first and then check the menu - and remember your table number when you go to order. There are a number of rooms in which to eat. Parking is very limited.
Nothing wrong with the restaurant but the main attraction is the shop. Beautiful conversion of the old railway station, this is the biggest bookshop we have ever visited. Everything laid out in well labelled sections, and in the locked cases, really valuable items. We went to browse but ended up buying. We did not know you could bring books to exchange for credit notes - will do so next time as we will be returning.
我去这里不是为了吃饭而是为了看店的。 英国人对书的热爱是显而易见的,到处可见书店,报刊亭,地铁里虽然有人拿手机看,但更多的依然是看书与读报,让我想起我们国内清一色玩手机的低头族。汗。 Barter Books是一家二手书店,就在安尼克城堡的边边儿上。据说是现在全英国最大的,由一个老的火车站改造而成,它吸引游客前往的另一个原因则是大名鼎鼎的海报Keep Calm and carry on也在这里诞生。 走进去一看,果然名不虚传,各种二手书堆满了整齐的书架,角角落落里也都见缝插针地摆着唱片还有一些小玩艺儿,如果时间充足,可以坐下来看看书,而且说不定还可以在这里淘到不少好东西呢! 一位大约五六十岁的姐姐看见我,拦住了问,你们是从中国来的吗?得到肯定的答案之后她特别兴奋地让我看她手上正在读的一本书,关于中国古代皇帝的,说她非常喜欢,也特高兴在读中国书的时候正好看到中国人。