Zhuhai Putuo Temple
天王殿 普光明殿 三圣宝殿
五时宝殿 钟楼 鼓楼
珠海市,坐落于香洲区凤凰山麓,是观音菩萨应化显圣道场,前身为怀庵古寺。一期工程占地3.2万平米,建筑面积28.6万平米正在规划建设中。据《香山县志》记载:“清顺治年间有参将马雄飞登临凤凰山,见山高林密,风景清幽,这史册之佐证”,亦印证了观音菩萨十二大愿中的“常居南海愿”,后几经历史变迁,至上世纪末禅院仅存残垣断壁。 Phoenix in Xiangzhou District of Zhuhai,Guangdong, Putuo Temple is a Bodhimanda of Avalokitesvara. It was built on the previous Huai' an re meters and a construction area of 27780.34 square meters. At present ,it has been completed ; Phase II project covers an area of 86000 mete to County Annals of Xiangshan, “"during the reign of Emperor Shunzhi of Qing Dynasty, a general named Ma Xiongfei once climbed Mount l enery of the high mountain and thick woods, so he vowed to donate for the construction of a temple to worship Avalokitesvara." It accords with w of "constantly living at the South Sea". Through changes in the history, only ruins of the temple remained by the end of last century.