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南加利福尼亚大学(University of Southern California),又译南加州大学,简称南加大(USC),是美国西海岸最古老的顶尖私立研究型大学,世界著名高等学府,位于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市,1880年由监理会创立,是环太平洋大学联盟和美国大学协会成员。


学校在2020年U.S.News美国大学综合排名第22名,华尔街日报/泰晤士高等教育美国大学排名第18名。学校教职员和毕业生中共有11位罗德学者、 9位诺贝尔奖得主、6位麦克阿瑟天才奖得主、1位图灵奖得主。南加大与哈佛大学,斯坦福大学等一同名列普林斯顿评论全美学子十大梦校,并常年被U.S.News评为全美本科最难被录取的大学之一。

南加大在硅谷校友人数位居全美高校第四,校友亿万富翁出产量位居世界第四。其量子计算中心拥有世界最强算力的量子计算机,现在被广泛运用的互联网域名系统,DNA计算技术,动态规划算法,图片压缩技术, VoIP技术,以及世界第一个防病毒软件等都诞生于南加大,如今学校仍掌控着全球仅13个的根域名服务器之一。学校培养了众多航天与科技界人才,登月第一人阿姆斯特朗,高通创始人维特比等均毕业于此。

大学公园校区位在南洛杉矶的West Adams区,约在洛杉矶市区南方2英里处。校园边界由北边与东北边的Jefferson Boulevard、东南边的Figueroa Street、南边的 Exposition Boulevard,以及西边的Vermont Avenue所组成。在1960年代,穿越校园的车辆会被取缔,大学公园校区位于洛杉矶地标的徒步范围内,像是神殿礼堂,斯台普斯中心,和洛杉矶纪念体育场。



有三家图书馆专门收集相应领域的书籍资料:Asa V. Call法律图书馆、Eileen 和 Kenneth T. Norris医学图书馆、Jennifer Ann Wilson牙科图书馆。托马斯和多萝西利维图书馆对图书和期刊做了核心收集,该图书馆拥有2个近200台服务器支持的电子信息平台、50多个协同工作区、2个实习教室、





此外,南加大被美国国土安全部选为第一所国土安全卓越中心。学校在全球拥有庞大的校友网络——特洛伊家族(Trojan Family),当中不乏政治、商业、科技、艺术等领域的著名人士,学校每年获得校友捐赠名列全美前茅。此外学校留学生众多,超过10%的学生来自110多个国家。南加大是一所电影明星和体育明星辈出的学校,由于距离好莱坞十分近,因此拥有顶尖的电影艺术学院。




还有在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿县以及Marina del Rey的资讯科学研究所,公共管理学院则位于卫星校区加州萨克拉门托。在2005年,南加大于华府成立了联邦关系办事处,在阿罕布拉市也有健康科学校区,包含健康促进与疾病预防研究所(IPR)并且专注于公共卫生方面。

USC南加大于2004年五月更拓展于国际,与上海交通大学管理学院合作,首度开设USC校海外的EMBA课程。在2006年,马歇尔商学院将在圣迭戈设立卫星校区。USC的昵称是特洛伊人,其代表象征的特洛依铜像Tommy Trojan座落于校园中心。直到1912年前,USC学生(尤其是运动员)被称为卫理宗或是循道宗,


经过这场龙争虎斗,《洛杉矶时报》体育记者Owen Bird形容南加大运动员“如特洛依人般的进攻”("fought on like Trojans,"),而当时校长George Bovard正式批准了这个名称。大学公园校区位在南洛杉矶的West Adams区,约在洛杉矶市区南方2英里处。校园边界由北边与东北边的Jefferson Boulevard、东南边的Figueroa Street、南边的Exposition Boulevard以及西边的Vermont Avenue所组成。

在1960年代,穿越校园的车辆会被取缔,大学公园校区位于洛杉矶地标的徒步范围内,像是神殿大会堂(Shrine Auditorium)、斯台普斯中心和洛杉矶纪念体育场。对于制片者来说,是一个非常好的校园场景,诸如不少影视中哈佛大学、伯克利加州大学场景均在此拍摄。


南加大不断的改善对于两个校园周遭环境,并于2000年凭其广泛的社区服务计划获《时代杂志》(Time Magazine)及普林斯顿评论选为年度风云大学(College of the Year)。约有半数的大学生自愿参加社区服务计划,服务范围从周边的环境延伸到整个洛杉矶。



大学行政系统包含一位校长、监理事、数位负责不同部门的副校长、一位财务主管、资讯总监和体育指导员。现任校长为C.L. Max Nikias。文理科学学院、研究所、18个专业学校分别各由一位学院院长负责。南加大有时会授予荣誉退职头衔给先前的行政长官,目前有6位荣誉退职的行政长官。



在2006年9月19日,南加大宣布乔治·卢卡斯捐赠了1亿7千5百万美元给南加大影视学院,这是南加大史上收到的最大单笔捐赠(也是第5笔超过1亿的捐赠)。2004年3月2日,由Max Nikias院长领导的南加大工程学院重新命名为Andrew and Erna Viterbi工程学院,用以纪念高通公司创办人Andrew Erna Viterbi夫妇,最近曾捐赠5200万美元给学校,这份礼物是有史以来工程学院改名最大的。

Viterbi工程学院不断的收到来自各方的捐赠,其中包含2004年来自硅谷的资本家Mark Stevens和Mary夫妇所成立的USC Stevens Institute;2002年以不动产企业家Daniel J. Epstein为名的Epstein工业工程学系。2005年美国能源公司首席执行长John Mork家族为名的Mork家族化学工程与材料科学系。

同样在2005年,温瑞尔公司首席执行长Ken Klein成立了Klein大学部工程机构,而在发明指纹辨识系统的科进系统公司(Cogent Inc)创办人谢明(Ming Hsieh)则在2006年捐赠了3500万美元给南加大谢明电机系,这是史上单一科系所收赠的最庞大的金额。目前,南加大获得联邦政府“研究与发展”经费最多的十所美国私立大学之一,在2016年USNEWS的排名之位列22名。在佛罗里达大学调查中心,南加大列为全美第12名顶尖研究型大学。



此体育馆是1932年夏季奥林匹克运动会的场地,包含开幕式和闭幕式和1984年奥运会的径赛项目。多年来,除了特洛依队之外,体育馆也是许多球队的主场,包括UCLA美式足球、Los Angeles Rams, Raiders, Express和Xtreme美式足球和洛杉矶道奇队棒球。该体育馆举办各式各样的活动,从音乐会、演讲比赛、田径运动会到摩托车比赛。体育馆最大能容纳92,000个席位(几乎是靠背座椅),该体育馆位于占地17英亩的博览公园内,同时也包含博物馆、公园和洛杉矶纪念运动场。


Jumbo Huang citation resources: I Visited The University of Southern California whic is a private research university in Los Angeles, California. Founded in 1880, it is the oldest private research university in California. For the 2018–19 academic year, there were 20,000 students enrolled in four-year undergraduate programs. USC also has 27,500 graduate and professional students in a number of different programs, including business, law, engineering, social work, occupational therapy, pharmacy, and medicine. It is the largest private employer in the city of Los Angeles and generates $8 billion in economic impact on Los Angeles and California. USC was one of the earliest nodes on ARPANET and is the birthplace of the Domain Name System. Other technologies invented at USC include DNA computing, dynamic programming, image compression, VoIP, and antivirus software.

USC is a highly selective school, accepting 11% percent of undergraduate applicants for its class of 2023. USC's alumni include a total of 11 Rhodes Scholars and 12 Marshall Scholars. As of October 2018, nine Nobel laureates, six MacArthur Fellows, and one Turing Award winner have been affiliated with the university. As of May 2018, USC has conferred degrees upon 29 alumni who became billionaires. USC has graduated more alumni who have gone on to win an Academy Award than any other institution in the world by a significant margin. USC alumni have also played crucial roles in 21 of the top 25 highest-grossing films of all time, since 2019. USC sponsors a variety of intercollegiate sports and competes in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) as a member of the Pac-12 Conference. Members of USC's sports teams, the Trojans, have won 107 NCAA team championships, ranking them third in the United States, and 409 NCAA individual championships, ranking them second in the United States.

Trojan athletes have won 288 medals at the Olympic Games (135 golds, 88 silvers and 65 bronzes), more than any other university in the United States. In 1969, it joined the Association of American Universities. USC has had a total of 521 football players drafted to the National Football League, the second-highest number of drafted players in the country. The University of Southern California was founded following the efforts of Judge Robert M. Widney, who helped secure donations from several key figures in early Los Angeles history: a Protestant nurseryman, Ozro Childs, an Irish Catholic former-Governor, John Gately Downey, and a German Jewish banker, Isaias W. Hellman. The three donated 308 lots of land to establish the campus and provided the necessary seed money for the construction of the first buildings. Originally operated in affiliation with the Methodist Church, the school mandated from the start that "no student would be denied admission because of race". The university is no longer affiliated with any church, having severed formal ties in 1952.

When USC opened in 1880, tuition was $15.00 per term and students were not allowed to leave town without the knowledge and consent of the university president. The school had an enrollment of 53 students and a faculty of 10. The city lacked paved streets, electric lights, telephones, and a reliable fire alarm system. Its first graduating class in 1884 was a class of three—two males and female valedictorian Minnie C. Miltimore.

The colors of USC are cardinal and gold, which were approved by USC's third president, the Reverend George W. White, in 1896. In 1958, the shade of gold, which was originally more of an orange color, was changed to a more yellow shade. The letterman's awards were the first to make the change."Tommy Trojan" is a major symbol of the university, though he is not the mascot.

USC students and athletes are known as Trojans, epitomized by the Trojan Shrine, nicknamed "Tommy Trojan", near the center of campus. Until 1912, USC students (especially athletes) were known as Fighting Methodists or Wesleyans, though neither name was approved by the university. During a fateful track and field meet with Stanford University, the USC team was beaten early and seemingly conclusively. After only the first few events, it seemed implausible USC would ever win; however, the team fought back, winning many of the later events, to lose only by a slight margin. After this contest, Los Angeles Times sportswriter Owen Bird reported the USC athletes "fought on like the Trojans of antiquity", and the president of the university at the time, George F. Bovard, approved the name officially.

During World War II, USC was one of 131 colleges and universities nationally that took part in the V-12 Navy College Training Program which offered students a path to a Navy commission.

USC is responsible for $8 billion in economic output in Los Angeles County; USC students spend $563 million yearly in the local economy and visitors to the campus add another $37.9 million.

Recognizing that China–United States relations would play a great role in shaping the 21st century, in 2006, USC established the USC U.S.-China Institute (USCI). Known for its conferences, speakers series, training programs, publications and documentaries, USCI works to inform public discussion with policy relevant research and timely programing. It publishes US-China Today and is widely known for its twelve part Assignment: China documentary series on how China has been covered by American journalists since the 1940s. In 2010, the U.S. government and the USA Pavilion organizers asked USCI to manage the recruitment, selection, training and supervision of the students selected to staff the pavilion at the Shanghai Expo.

On May 1, 2014, USC was named as one of many higher education institutions under investigation by the Office of Civil Rights for potential Title IX violations by Barack Obama's White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. USC is also under a concurrent Title IX investigation for potential anti-male bias in disciplinary proceedings, as well as denial of counseling resources to male students, as of 8 March 2016.

In 2017, the university came into the national spotlight when the Los Angeles Times published information about Carmen A. Puliafito, the dean of USC's medical school. After accusations of drug use, he resigned from his position as dean in 2016 and was fired from the school the following year after the news stories were published. His medical license was subsequently suspended pending a decision whether it should be terminated. On August 17, 2018, his license G 88200 in the State of California was revoked based on discipline orders. The following year, the Los Angeles Times broke another story about USC focusing on George Tyndall, a gynecologist accused of abusing 52 patients at USC. The reports span from 1990 to 2016 and include using racist and sexual language, conducting exams without gloves and taking pictures of his patients' genitals. Inside Higher Ed noted that there have been "other incidents in which the university is perceived to have failed to act on misconduct by powerful officials" when it reported that the university's president, C. L. Max Nikias, is resigning. Tyndall was fired in 2017 after reaching a settlement with the university. The school did not report him to state medical authorities or law enforcement at the time, though the LAPD is now investigating Tyndall. As of June 1, 401 people had contacted a special hotline to receive complaints about the doctor. On October 18, it was reported that nearly 100 women filed new lawsuits against the university, bringing the number of accusations up to over 500 current and former students. USC agreed to pay $215 million as a settlement after hundreds of women claimed the school did not address their complaints. The agreement is awaiting the approval of the court.

USC was one of several universities involved in the 2019 college admissions bribery scandal. On March 12, 2019, a total of three coaches and one athletic director were charged with having accepted bribes from wealthy families in return for fraudulently facilitating their children's admission to USC. Among the twelve university personnel charged for their involvement in the scandal nationwide, four were associated with USC. The University Park campus is in the University Park district of Los Angeles, 2 miles (3.2 km) southwest of Downtown Los Angeles. The campus's boundaries are Jefferson Boulevard on the north and northeast, Figueroa Street on the southeast, Exposition Boulevard on the south, and Vermont Avenue on the west. Since the 1960s, through campus vehicle traffic has been either severely restricted or entirely prohibited on some thoroughfares. The University Park campus is within walking distance to Los Angeles landmarks such as the Shrine Auditorium, and Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum which is operated and managed by the University. Most buildings are in the Romanesque Revival style, although some dormitories, engineering buildings, and physical sciences labs are of various Modernist styles (especially two large Brutalist dormitories at the campus's northern edge) that sharply contrast with the predominantly red-brick campus. Widney Alumni House, built in 1880, is the oldest university building in Southern California. In recent years the campus has been renovated to remove the vestiges of old roads and replace them with traditional university quads and gardens. The historic portion of the main campus was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2015.

Besides its main campus at University Park, USC also operates the Health Sciences Campus about 2 miles northeast of downtown. In addition, the Children's Hospital Los Angeles is staffed by USC faculty from the Keck School of Medicine and is often referred to as USC's third campus. USC also operates an Orange County center in Irvine for business, pharmacy, social work and education; and the Information Sciences Institute, with centers in Arlington, Virginia and Marina del Rey. For its science students, USC operates the Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies on Catalina Island just 20 miles off the coast of Los Angeles and home to the Philip K. Wrigley Marine Science Center.

The Price School of Public Policy also runs a satellite campus in Sacramento. In 2005, USC established a federal relations office in Washington, D.C. A Health Sciences Alhambra campus holds The Primary Care Physician Assistant Program, the Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research (IPR), and the Masters in Public Health Program.

USC was developed under two master plans drafted and implemented some 40 years apart. The first was prepared by the Parkinsons in 1920, which guided much of the campus's early construction and established its Romanesque style and 45-degree building orientation.

The Von KleinSmid Center of International and Public Affairs, topped by a 2,500 kg globe, is the tallest structure on campus. Built under the second master plan, reflected a trend towards modernism.

The second and largest master plan was prepared in 1961 under the supervision of President Norman Topping, campus development director Anthony Lazzaro, and architect William Pereira. This plan annexed a great deal of the surrounding city and many of the older non-university structures within the new boundaries were leveled. Most of the Pereira buildings were constructed in the 1970s. Pereira maintained a predominantly red-brick architecture for the new buildings, but infused them with his trademark techno-modernism stylings. More recently under President C. L. Max Nikias, the architectural orientation of the campus has moved towards a Gothic Revival style, taking cues from the inculative[check spelling] and scholastic styles of Oxford University and Harvard University, while underpinning USC's own historic identity that is present in the red-brick construction.

USC's role in making visible and sustained improvements in the neighborhoods surrounding both the University Park and Health Sciences campuses earned it the distinction of College of the Year 2000 by the Time/Princeton Review College Guide.

Roughly half of the university's students volunteer in community-service programs in neighborhoods around campus and throughout Los Angeles. These outreach programs, as well as previous administrations' commitment to remaining in South Los Angeles amid widespread calls to move the campus following the 1965 Watts Riots, are credited for the safety of the university during the 1992 Los Angeles Riots. (That the university emerged from the riots completely unscathed is all the more remarkable in light of the complete destruction of several strip malls in the area, including one just across Vermont Avenue from the campus's western security fence.) The ZIP code for USC is 90089 and the surrounding University Park community is 90007.

USC has an endowment of $5.5 billion and carries out about $764 million per year in sponsored research.[3] USC became the only university to receive eight separate nine-figure gifts: $120 million from Ambassador Walter Annenberg to create the Annenberg Center for Communication and a later additional gift of $100 million for the USC Annenberg School for Communication; $112.5 million from Alfred Mann to establish the Alfred E. Mann Institute for Biomedical Engineering; $110 million from the W. M. Keck Foundation for USC's School of Medicine; $150 million from the W. M. Keck Foundation for USC's School of Medicine; $175 million from George Lucas to the USC School of Cinema-Television, now renamed USC School of Cinematic Arts, $200 million from Dana and David Dornsife for USC's College of Letters, Arts and Sciences to support undergraduate and Ph.D. programs, $110 million from John and Julie Mork for undergraduate scholarships, and $200 million from Larry Ellison to launch the Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine. Located three miles (5 km) from downtown Los Angeles and seven miles (11 km) from the University Park campus, USC's Health Sciences campus is a major center for basic and clinical biomedical research in the fields of cancer, gene therapy, the neurosciences, and transplantation biology, among others. The 79-acre (32 ha) campus is home to the region's first and oldest medical and pharmacy schools, as well as acclaimed programs in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and physician assistant (which are respectively ranked No. 1, No. 3, and No. 10 by U.S. News & World Report) and pharmacy.

In addition to the Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center, which is one of the nation's largest teaching hospitals, the campus includes three patient care facilities: USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck Hospital of USC, and the USC Eye Institute. USC faculty staffs these and many other hospitals in Southern California, including the internationally acclaimed Children's Hospital Los Angeles. The health sciences campus is also home to the USC School of Pharmacy and several research buildings such as USC/Norris Cancer Research Tower, Institute for Genetic Medicine, Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute, Harlyne J. Norris Cancer Research Tower and Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research.USC is a private public-benefit nonprofit corporation controlled by a Board of Trustees composed of 50 voting members and several life trustees, honorary trustees, and trustees emeriti who do not vote. Voting members of the Board of Trustees are elected for five-year terms. One fifth of the Trustees stand for re-election each year, and votes are cast only by the trustees not standing for election. Trustees tend to be high-ranking executives of large corporations (both domestic and international), successful alumni, members of the upper echelons of university administration, or some combination of the three.

The university administration consists of a president, a provost, several vice-presidents of various departments, a treasurer, a chief information officer, and an athletic director. The current president is Carol Folt who on July 1, 2019 succeeded Board of Trustee member Wanda Austin who had been appointed the interim president by the Board when the former president C. L. Max Nikias resigned in 2018.

第849回:加州大学伯克利校, 名人辈出获奖无数

2022-07-05发布 阅读量5.2千




























































一、导言:2019年的二月我们以自由行的方式游历了 南美洲 的 秘鲁 和 玻利维亚
